Kusanagi - The Special ANBU
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Kusanagi - The Special ANBU
- Spoiler:
Academy Student Life:
- Born in Konoki since 2 or 3 years ago now...
- Goal Become One of the Strongest Ninja in TNR (Nindo)
- Used to train and make Battle Arenas to pass the Genin Exam
- Try to introduse myself in Konoki's Tavern, with that Baka RPs (Role Playing)
Genin Life:
- After one month of hard training, i finally Passed my Exam and Rank up to Genin
- I was unlucky and got nothing from Old Cabin (BL: None)
- i got senseis like: MITSUYUKI, LANDON, and DRACONFIRE1016.
- I Trained Thunder Roar to lvl 75 (defeat a lot of genins ubers with that by stunning them ^_^)
- Day after day during my training and many challenges i sent then received i met new friends: Bladehawk, PureOxide, Tsunadi_egy, sapphire_xea, and those ones i forgot
We were best Rivals, but it was me who were the strongest i guess between my friends but not in all konoki, there were already Blakscorpion one of the strongest konoki's genins ^_^ with _xhadoukenx_ at that time
- Then i trained during 5 or 7 months to cap some of my def, and generals, that was very hard to do ^_^ anyway i got my nin off to 50000
- Bladehawk became my best rival some day i defeated him then we started to DKO everytime ^_^
Chuunin Life:
- I passed My Chuunin Exam then Rank up
- I learned Shometsu and became a medecine apprentice
- Bladehawk became more stronger than me because of my lack of training
- I got my HP to 15000 with a lot of errands, donations and C-Missions
- I trained Frozen Rain to lvl 52 good jutsu to stun enemies
- i was recruited in ANBU: Notenshio:Konoki.
there i start to train again cause i dint know that kill an enemi is so cool and its make you trust in your strength, and i started my first raidings in shroud ^_^
then i was recuited in severals clans
- Bladehawk became my 1st Raiding Partner (a good time, but we never CFHed ^_^)
Jounin Life:
- Then i Rank up to Jounin after I joined Glacier
- Warlord welcomed me with a lot of advices we spar but he were already uber with only 20mil exp and i had 15mil exp ^_^
- I married songifongx
- i met equally Brittania in Tavern
- A lot of guys donated me
- I stopped training a long time... i was seak but after 7 months i came back Warlord became more Uber with 200mil exp
- I married Tsunade_egy
- One week after, i was recruited by severals Clans and ANBUS: ScorpioS:Glacier, then by DreAm:Glacier
- Then i started to Raid like a fool Raid Raid Raid even if i died... i answered it to guys who PMed me that im weak im supposed to train and stay asleep but i didnt care about them at all ^_^
- A day when i was raiding shine i received a PM from a Member Of Oracle, asking me to join them and They are like akatsuki but in differents ways, it was my first time to be recruit by an Org, and it was an honor for me. He wanted me to lend them my little Power and i accepted
- Now i met new people there Killingstar, Ardaal, KeylaUchiha, Rei_Uchiha, Jobert, Shashaank, Hunter, Bungcha, Mguard and the other Oracles members, im enjoying staying with them its like a family i never had instead of Bladehawk who is like my Brother ^_^
- I joined Silence to honor the Org Event with my lack of training, i know im weak at the moment but soon very soon ill be one of the strongest Member in the Oracle ^_^
- I joined an ANBU: Oracle:Silence
Well is all i can remember for now ill edit that if the need come
John_Kusanagi- Posts : 189
Join date : 2011-12-21
Age : 36
Location : Silence
Re: Kusanagi - The Special ANBU
^^ hahaha my name was first
killingstar- Posts : 1469
Join date : 2011-04-30
Age : 30
Location : Training
Re: Kusanagi - The Special ANBU
Cause i met you in the chatkillingstar wrote:^^ hahaha my name was first
John_Kusanagi- Posts : 189
Join date : 2011-12-21
Age : 36
Location : Silence
Re: Kusanagi - The Special ANBU
who was the one recruiting i wonder? o.o'John_Kusanagi wrote:
- A day when i was raiding shine i received a PM from a Member Of Oracle, asking me to join them and They are like akatsuki but in differents ways, it was my first time to be recruit by an Org, and it was an honor for me. He wanted me to lend them my little Power and i accepted
Guest- Guest
Re: Kusanagi - The Special ANBU
who did recruit you john?
killingstar- Posts : 1469
Join date : 2011-04-30
Age : 30
Location : Training
Re: Kusanagi - The Special ANBU
its my secret
John_Kusanagi- Posts : 189
Join date : 2011-12-21
Age : 36
Location : Silence
Re: Kusanagi - The Special ANBU
O_O must have been Rei or someone of those people who don't come on the forum
killingstar- Posts : 1469
Join date : 2011-04-30
Age : 30
Location : Training
Re: Kusanagi - The Special ANBU
Maybe yes or maybe not
John_Kusanagi- Posts : 189
Join date : 2011-12-21
Age : 36
Location : Silence
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